
Like many of my colleagues, I’m currently rushing around getting things ready for CyberUK…

Picture credit: Paul Downey, Open Government License  NCSC’s new London-based headquarters wasn’t the only…

When we were getting the NCSC’s new website ready, the question came up…

With the UK economy becoming increasingly digital, cyber security is central to national security and continues to play an important role in ensuring the UK is a safe place to do business. There is a critical need to increase the availability of cyber security skills, so the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) is […]

According to Marcus Sachs, CSO with the North American Electric Reliability Corporation, doomsday fears of a cyberattack against the U.S. electric grid are overblown. Source: Infrastructure Security Squirrels, Not Hackers, Pose Biggest Threat to Electric Grid

A RSA Conference panel tackles the difficulty in defining cyberwar. Source: Infrastructure Security Setting Expectations Between States on Cyberwar

Throughout December, we’ve been tweeting definitions of cyber security terms. Our aim has…

The CyberFirst Girls Competition was launched on 18 January and we have been inundated…

A sudden wave of attacks against insecure databases resulting in ransom demands points to wave of data hijacking attacks. Source: Cloud Security Open Databases a Juicy Extortion Target